Maria V. & Enzo B. - 14/05/2020Speaker : Maria V. & Enzo B. Title: AI-Driven CT-based quantification, staging and short-term outcome prediction of COVID-19....Read more |
Hossein Bevrani - 05/03/2020Speaker: Hossein Bevrani Title: Efficient Parameter Estimation in Generalized Linear Models....Read more |
Benjamin Arras - 29/01/2020Speaker: Benjamin Arras Title: Semi-groupes de Mehler généralisés à la stabilité des constantes de....Read more |
Marie-Laure Charpignon-Choquet - 07/01/2020Speaker: Marie-Laure Charpignon-Choquet Title: A Causual Inference Framework for Antidiabetic....Read more |
Maria Vakalopoulou - 14/11/19Speaker: Maria Vakalopoulou Title: Deep learning on Medical Imaging. From image segmentation...Read more |
Pascal Laurent - 03/10/19Speaker: Pascal Laurent Title: A few mathematical studies beyond a work of simulation of cell...Read more |
Cyril Labbé - 26/09/19Speaker: Cyril Labbé (University Dauphine, Paris) Title: Markov chain mixing time and hydrodynamic...Read more
Wassila Ouerdane - 24/06/19Speaker: Wassila Ouerdane (MICS Lab, Centrale Supélec) Title: A dialogue game for recommendation with adaptive preference models..Read more |
Alexandre Teplyaev - 13/06/19Speaker: Alexandre Teplyaev (University of Connecticut) Title: Spectral analysis and diffusion on singular spaces...Read more |
Aya Dakdouki - 13/05/19Speaker: Aya Dakdouki (Paul Painlevé Lab, University Lille, France) Title: SVM hyperbolique and core engineering...Read more
Eric Gaussier - 30/04/19Speaker: Eric Gaussier (Director of the LGI Computer Science Laboratory in Grenoble) Title: Learning representations for clustering: some solutions to all-posed problem...Read more-- |
Myriam Tami - 18/03/19Speaker: Myriam Tami (MICS Lab, Centrale Supelec) Title: Uncertain trees: Dealing with Uncertain Inputs in Regression Trees...Read more-- |
Jeffrey Rauch - 08/03/19Speaker: Jeffrey Rauch (U. Michigan) Title: Strictly Dissipative Hyperbolic BVP with trihedral corners...Read more-- |
Stefano Zacchiroli - 07/02/19Speaker: Stefano Zacchiroli (Lecturer, IRIF, U. Paris Diderot/INRIA/IRILL) Title: Software Heritage: source code analysis at the scale of the world...Read more-- |
Ludovic Goudenège - 17/01/19Speaker: Ludovic Goudenège (MICS Lab, Centrale Supelec) Title: Introduction to equations with stochastic derivatives...Read more-- |
Régis Pierrard - 22/01/19Speaker: Régis Pierrard Title: Learning explanatory rules from noisy data...Read more -- |
Vincent Bansaye - 04/12/18Speaker: Vincent Bansaye (Teacher,Ecole Polytechnique, PEIPS of CMAP team member) Title: Stochastic functional responses and multi-scale models in dynamics population...Read more -- |
Marina Rynkoskaya - 22/11/18Speaker: Marina Rynkovskaya (Department of Civil Engineering, People'sFriendship University of Russia-RUDN U.6 Miklukho-Maklaya St, Moscow, 117198, Russian Federation) Title: Engineering introduction to the ..Read more -- |
Laurent ChevillardSpeaker: Laurent Chevillard Title: A random painting of fluid turbulence...Read more -- |
Frédéric Lagoutière - 18/10/18Speaker: Frédéric Lagoutière Title: Modeling a mixture of barotropic compressible fluids by homogenization...Read more -- |
Mehdi Senouci - 13/09/18Speaker: Mehdi Senouci (Lecturer in economic, LGI, Centrale Supelec) Title: A characterisaion of N-input production functions...Read more -- |
Ramon Pino Pérez - 14/06/18Speaker: Ramon Pino Pérez (Pr. at the department of Mathematics, U. of the Andes, Venezuela) Title: Fusion of beliefs and impossibility..Read more -- |
Esa Ollila - 22/06/18Speaker: Esa Ollila (Aalto U. and Oulu U. Finland) Title: High-dimensional covariance matrix estimation with applications to miroarray studies and portfolio optimization...Read more -- |
Shabab Basiri - 01/06/18Speaker: Shabab Basiri (Department of Signal Processing and Acoustics, Aalto U. Finland) Title: A new fast and robust bootstrap method for statiscal inference in ICA using...Read more -- |
Vincent Mousseau - 31/05/18Speaker: Vincent Mousseau (Pr. at Centrale Supélec, LGI Lab) Title: Learning monotone preferences using a non-compensatory sorting model...Read more -- |
Gustave Roussy - 24/05/18Speaker: Gustave Roussy (Centrale Supelec) Title: Applied Mathematics and Artifical Intelligence in Oncology...Read more -- |
Lina Ye - 12/04/18Speaker: Lina Ye (Lecturer, LRI Lab, U. Paris-Sud 11 and CentraleSupelec, U. Paris-Saclay) Title: Formal verification of hybrid Systems based on Timed Abstraction...Read more -- |
Vincent Mazet / Hassan Mortada - 06/04/18Speaker: Vincent Mazet/Hassan Mortada (ICube, IMAGeS team,IPSEO group, U. of Strasbourg) Title: Spectroscopic decomposition in multispectral imaging...Read more -- |
Vincent Mousseau - 22/03/18Speaker: Vincent Mousseau (Pr. CenraleSupelec, LGI Lab) Title: learning monotone preferences using a non-compesatory sorting model...Read more -- |
Simon Clinet - 05/03/18Speaker: Simon Clinet (Keio University, Tokyo) Title: Modeling Hawkes'order and process notebooks...Read more -- |
Frédéric Lagoutière - 08/02/18Speaker: Frédéric Lagoutière (Pr of Mathematics at Claude Bernard University, Lyon) Title: Aggregation equations with...Read more -- |
Habib Ammari - 01/02/18Speaker: Habib Ammari (Department of Mathematics ETH, Zurich) Title: Subwavelengh acoustic resonators: From super-resolution to metamaterials...Read more -- |
Habib Ammari - 01/02/18Speaker: Habib Ammari (Department of Mathematics ETH, Zurich) Title: Mathematics of super-resolution biomedical imaging...Read more -- |
Mingxing Yang - 11/01/18Speaker: Mingxing Yang (U. of Brest) Title: Preliminary results of substudy of SjS based on RNA-seq data from PRECISEADS...Read more -- |
Alexandre Renaux - 12/01/18Speaker: Alexandre Renaux (L2S, U. Paris-Sud) Title: Performance analysis in parametric estimation using the lower limits of the average quadratic...Read more -- |
Dietmar Berwanger - 11/01/18Speaker: Dietmar Berwanger (CNRS, ENS Paris-Saclay) Title: The public contents of private...Read more -- |
Than Nguyen - 08/12/18Speaker: Than Nguyen (CRAN, L2S) Title: Non-negative orthogonal greedy algorithms for sparse approximation...Read more -- |
Emilie Chouzenoux - 24/11/17Speaker: Emilie Chouzenoux (CVN, CentraleSupelec/INRIA, U.Paris-Est, Marne-La-Vallée) Title: A Random Block - Coordinate Douglas - Rach Splitting with low Computational Complexity...Read more -- |
Oana Iosifescu - 07/12/17Speaker: Oana Iosifescu (Lecturer, Montpellier 2 U., Modeling and Mathematics Institute of Montpellier) Title: Mathematical modeling and analysis of dynamics soil organic carbon...Read more -- |
Sarah Lemler - 17/11/17Speaker: Sara Lemler (MICS Lab, Cenrtrale Supelec, Gif-sur-Yvette) Title: Estimating the intensity of a large-scale counting process...Read more -- |
Emmanuelle Clément - 27/04/17Speaker: Emmanuelle Clément (MICS Lab, Cenrtrale Supelec, Gif-sur-Yvette) Title: Density in small time for Lévy driven SDE and applications to parametric estimation...Read more -- |
Clinton Groth - 03/04/17Speaker: Clinton Groth Title: Parallel High-Order Finite-Volume Method with Anisotropic Block-Based AMR for Multi-Scale Physically-Complex flows...Read more -- |
Marina Rynkovskaya - 23/03/17Speaker: Marina Rynkovskaya Title: Analytical surfaces in civil engineering. Geometry and stress-strain analysis of the hellicoidal structures...Read more -- |
Thibault Bourgeron - 23/02/17Speaker: Thibault Bourgeron Title: Adaptation of a sexed population to the new environment in the low variance regime...Read more -- |
Olivier Le Maître - 02/02/17Speaker: olivier Le Maitre Title: Polynomial Surrogates for Bayesian Inference...Read more -- |
Dominique Chapelle - 19/01/17Speaker: Dominique Chapelle (Director of research in INRIA, Saclay) Title: Biomechanical modeling of the heart:from multi-scale multi-physics formulations...Read more -- |
Robert Eymard - 01/12/16Speaker: Robert Eymard Title: The gradient approximation method:application to parabolic, linear, non-linear and degenerate problems...Read more -- |
Matthieu Cristelli - 24/11/16Speaker: Mathieu Cristelli Title: The development pathways of nations: the heterogeneous dynamics of economic complexity...Read more -- |
Emmanuel Trélat - 10/11/16Speaker: Emmanuel Trélat Title: Sparse control and stabilization of models of collective behaviour...Read more -- |
Huyên Pham - 20/10/16Speaker: Huyên Pham Title: McKean-Vlasov equation control and applications...Read more -- |
Vincent Rivoirard - 08/09/16Speaker: Vincent Rovoirard Title: Lasso for multivariate Hawkes processes...Read more -- |
Tony Lelièvre - 23/06/16Speaker: Tony Lelièvre Title: Numerical methods in molecular dynamics...Read more -- |
Fabienne Comte - 09/06/16Speaker: Fabienne Comte Title: Laplace deconvolution (and its application to Dynamic Contrast Enhanced imaging)...Read more -- |
Anna Rozanova-Pierrat - 26/05/16Speaker: Anna Rozanova-Pierrat Title: Optimizing the shape of a noise barrier...Read more -- |
Antione Chaillet - 12/05/16Speaker: Antione Chaillet Title: Stability and robustness analysis of spatiotemporal delayed dynamics with application to feedback attenuation of pathological brain...Read more -- |
Céline Grandmont - 14/04/16Speaker: Céline Grandmont (INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt, JLL Paris 6) Title: Modeling of the pulmonary parenchyma: homogenization and numerical simulations...Read more -- |
Elham Kashefi - 31/03/16Speaker: Elham Kashefi Title: Verification of quantum computing...Read more -- |
Agathe Guilloux - 17/03/16Speaker: Agathe Guilloux Title: Longitudinal observational data...Read more -- |
Marcel Filoche - 18/02/16Speaker: Marcel Filoche Title: Landscapes and potentials for the location of waves in complex systems...Read more -- |
Denis Ullmo - 21/01/16Speaker: Denis Ullmo Title: Middle-field game theory: a non-linear Schroeder-type approach...Read more -- |
Pascal Omnès - 07/01/16Speaker: Pascal Omnès Title: Estimation of the diffusion rate of the Godunov scheme applied to the wave equation and analysis of the low Mach inaccuracy...Read more -- |
Frédéric Abergel - 03/12/15Speaker: Frédéric Abergel (MICS Lab, Centrale Supelec) Title: Mathematical modeling of order books...Read more -- |
Fabien Gandon - 26/11/15Speaker: Fabien Gandon Title: Bridging formal semantics and social semantics on the Web...Read more -- |
Ai-Hua Fan - 19/11/15Speaker: Ai-Hua Fan Title: Sarnak's oscillating aftermath and conjecture...Read more -- |
Jürgen Geiser - 12/11/15Speaker: Jürgen Geiser Title: Recent advanced in Iterative Splitting Methods for Multicomponent and Multiscale: Theory and Applications..Read more -- |
Youcef Mammeri - 22/10/15Speaker: Youcef Mammeri Title: Simulation of cultural dynamics for the fight against pathogen spread...Read more -- |
Kazuo Aoki - 08/10/15Speaker: Kazuo Aoki Title:Decay of a linear pendulum in a collisional gas: Spatially one-dimensional case..Read more -- |
Olivier Lafitte - 24/09/15Speaker: Olivier Lafitte Title: Dirichlet to Neumann boundary operator for the diffraction by a wedge...Read more -- |
Sarah Lemler - 10/09/15Speaker: Sarah Lemler Title: Estimating the intensity of a large-scale counting process..Read more -- |
Chiara Simeoni - 12/06/14Speaker: Chiara Simeoni Title: Remarks on the consistency of upwind sources at interface schemes on nonuniform grids..Read more -- |
Claire Lacour - 28/05/14Speaker: Claire Lacour Title: Adequacy test for spherical noisy data..Read more -- |
Olivier Martin - 15/05/14Speaker: Olivier Martin Title: Solution to an outstanding mathematical genetics problem: the surprising efficiency of...Read more -- |
Xavier Urbain - 30/04/14Speaker: Xavier Urbain Title: A framework for formal proof adapted to mobile robot networks...Read more -- |
Rob Hierons - 29/04/14Speaker: Rob Hierons Title:Asynchronous sofware Testing..Read more -- |
Vincent Calvez - 03/04/14Speaker: Vincent Calvez (UMPA, ENS Lyon) Title: -- Read more -- |
Yvon Maday - 20/03/14Speaker: Yvon Maday (LJLL, UPMC) Title: -- Read more -- |
Josselin Garnier - 13/02/14Speaker: Josselin Garnier Title: Listening to the noise...Read more -- |
Karell Bertet - 16/01/14Speaker: Karell Bertet Title: Structure of Lattices: panorama of structural and algorithmic aspects. Some uses in data search and representation of knowledge...Read more -- |
Arnaud Debussche - 06/12/13Speaker: Arnaud Debussche Title: Fluid limits for stochastic kinetic..Read more -- |
Stéphane Cordier - 22/11/13Speaker: Stéphane Cordier Title: Microscopic and kinetic models in economics..Read more -- |
Christophe Letellier - 21/11/13Speaker: Christophe Letellier Title: Reconstruction and modeling of chaotic attrators: the rule of observability..Read more -- |
Franck Ledoux - 15/11/13Speaker: Franck Ledoux Title: Generation and modification of quadrangular and hexahedric mesh..Read more -- |
Fabrizio Lillo - 07/11/13Speaker: fabrizio Lillo Title: How efficiency shapes market impact...Read more -- |
Sophie Laruelle - 18/10/13Speaker: Sophie Laruelle Title: Random urn models revisited using stochastic approximation...Read more -- |
Pierre Vandergheynst - 17/10/13Speaker: Pierre Vandergheynst Title: Graph data processing...Read more -- |
Marc Lavielle - 04/10/13Speaker: Marc Lavielle Title: Population pharmacology modelling: models,methods and applications...Read more -- |
Olivier Goubet - 03/10/13Speaker: Olivier Goubet (Jules Verne U., Amiens) Title: The Gel'fand problem for the biharmonic operator..Read more -- |
Christian Houdré - 26/09/13Speaker: Christian Houdré Title: Asymptotic behaviiors in Some Common and/or Growing Sub-Suite Problems...Read more -- |
Isabelle Bloch - 27/06/13Speaker: Isabelle Bloch Title: Mathematical mophology, complete lattices, and information processing...Read more -- |
Rui Dilao - 20/06/13Speaker: Rui Dilao (Técnico, Lisboa) Title: Modelling Drosophila early development: the patterning effect of diffusion of..Read more -- |
David Holcman - 13/06/13Speaker: David Holcman Title: Modeling DNA looping, asymptotic analysis and telomere organization in the nucleus..Read more -- |
Yimin Xiao - 30/05/13Speaker: Yimin Xiao Title: Strong Local Nondeterminism and Fine Properties of Gaussian Random Fields...Read more -- |
Claude Bardos - 18/04/13Speaker: Claude Bardos Title: Mathematics and Turbulence: Where do we go?..Read more -- |
Corrado Mascia - 04/04/13Speaker: Corrado Mascia Title: Hyperbolic variations of the Allen-cahn equation...Read more -- |
Irene Votsi - 21/03/13Speaker: Irene Votsi Title: Hidden Markov and Hidden Semi-Markov Modeling for Seismic Hazard Assessment...Read more -- |
Vitaly Volpert - 14/02/13Speaker: Vitaly Volpert Title: Hybrid models in cell population..Read more -- |
Sébastien Gerchinovitz - 31/01/13Speaker: Sébastien Gerchinovitz Title: Deterministic sequential prediction by aggregation of predictors..Read more -- |
Bertrand Maury - 17/01/13Speaker: Bertrand Maury Title: Modeling crowd movements...Read more -- |
Magda Peligrad - 28/06/12Speaker: Magda Peligrad Title: Functional CLT for Linear Processes with Long Memory...Read more -- |
Yves Achdou - 14/06/12Speaker: Yves Achdou Title: A fractal border domain class: function spaces and digital methods...Read more -- |
Christophe Cuny - 31/05/12Speaker: Christophe Cuny Title: TCL quenched for Markov's chains...Read more -- |
Marco Licalzi - 16/05/12Speaker: Marco Licalzi Title: On a preferential attachment and generalized Polya's urn model..Read more -- |
Michael Ndjinga - 03/05/12Speaker: Michael Ndjinga Title: incompressible limit of bifluid models - dynamics of vacuum rate waves..Read more -- |
Pascale Le Gall - 05/04/12Speaker: Pascale Le Gall Title: A rules-based approach to topological-based geometric modeling..Read more -- |
Ludovic Goudenège - 29/03/12Speaker: Ludovic Goudenège Title: Stochastic EDP: existence of solutions, invariant measures and simulations..Read more -- |
Florence D'Alché-Buc - 15/03/12Speaker: Florence d'Alché-Buc Title: Regression methods based on powercores with operator values: application... Read more -- |
Dalibor Volny - 02/02/12Speaker: Dalibor Volny Title: Approximations of stationary processes by martingales..Read more -- |
Massimiliano Gubinelli - 26/01/12Speaker: Massimiliano Gubinelli Title: Regularization effects in ordinary differntial equations with additive noise..Read more -- |
Eckhard Platen - 12/01/12Speaker: Eckhard Platen Title: Numerical methods for SDEs with jumps in finance..Read more -- |
Anne Estrade - 08/12/11Speaker: Anne Estrade Title: Self-similar fields: spectral properties, fractal properties and microscopic description..Read more -- |
Florian Méhats - 04/12/11Speaker: Florian Méhats Title:Uniformly accurate digital methods for highly oscillating EDPs..Read more -- |
Mathieu Rosenbaum - 24/11/11Speaker: Mathieu Rosenbaum Title:Optimal discretization of stochastic integrals..Read more -- |
Bruno Bouchard - 10/11/11Speaker: Bruno Bouchard Title:Robust Risk criterion Assessment - Stochastic target approach..Read more -- |
Jean Paul Delayaye - 06/11/11Speaker:Jean Paul Delayaye Title:Measures of complexity of digital objects..Read more -- |
Michel Weber - 16/10/11Speaker:Michel Weber Title:Some recent findings in the theory of series of dilated functions..Read more -- |
Pauline Lafitte - 13/10/11Speaker: Pauline Lafitte Title:Digital simulations for a phase transition model..Read more -- |
Gilles Dowek - 02/10/11Speaker: Gilles Dowek Title:Cut-elimination and the decidability of reachability in alternating pushdown systems..Read more -- |
Paolo Ballarini - 22/09/11Speaker: Paolo Ballarini Title:Hybrid automata stochastic language..Read more -- |
Céline Hudelot - 18/09/11Speaker: Céline Hudelot Title:Some contributions to the semantic interpretation and annotation of image: contribution of..Read more -- |
Arnaud Munch - 08/09/11Speaker: Arnaud Munch Title: Simple remarks about the numerical approximation of controls for a semi-linear heat equation..Read more -- |
Michel Lapidus - 04/06/11Speaker: Michel Lapidus Title:Can one Hear the Shape of a Fractal Drum?..Read more -- |
Luca Bortolussi - 24/06/11Speaker: Luca Bortolussi Title: U-check: statiscal model checking under uncertainty..Read more -- |
Olexiy Kyrgyzov - 18/06/11Speaker: Olexiy Kyrgyzov Title:Tensor decomposition..Read more -- |
Cory Hauck - 21/05/11Speaker: Cory Hauck Title:Angular discretization methods for kinetic equations of radiation transport..Read more -- |
Olivier Pironneau - 07/05/11Speaker: Olivier pironneau Title:Searching for optimal shapes with Mathematics and Computer Science..Read more -- |
D. Chauveau - 26/03/11Speaker: D. Chauveau Title:Models of non-parametric and multivariate mixtures and estimation algorithms..Read more -- |
Jarek Rossignac - 12/03/11Speaker: Jarek Rossignac Title:Efficient evaluation of large Boolean expressions..Read more --
Florence Merlevede - 29/01/11Speaker: Florence Merlevede (Marne La vallée U.) Title:Empirical spectral distribution of large covariance matrixes..Read more -- |
Françoise Golse - 15/01/11Speaker: Françoise Golse Title: kinetic models in extended phase spaces..Read more -- |
Denis Grebenkov - 12/01/11Speaker: Denis Grebenkov Title: Laplacian Transport towards Irregular Interfaces: Forwad and Inverse problems..Read more -- |