! News: - Avis de Soutenance de Madame Lily MONNIER : "Statistical Learning for Single-Cell Data Analysis in Oncology."

Mathematical Modeling and Equation Analysis:

This team is newer than the others and was born from the reorganization of the laboratory. It welcomes most researchers from the EDP-Digital Analysis cluster: Pauline Lafitte (PU), Ludovic Goudenège (CR CNRS), Anna Rozannova-Pierrat (MCf), Frédéric Magoulès (PU), but also the two probabilists of the laboratory, Erick Herbin (PU), Alexandre Richard (MCf). The main reason for this rapprochement is the growing interest around interactions between deterministic models of EDP, numerical analysis and stochastic processes and processes. The composition of the team should strengthen interactions at the interfaces of these disciplines.
The team thus covers a very broad spectrum: theoretical analysis of equations (EDP, EDS, EDPS) and stochastic processes (including regularity issues), numerical analysis of associated simulation methods, up to high computation. performance. The work is thus theoretical, numerical and applied.
It is worth noting the strong involvement of the researchers of this team in the CNRS Federation of Mathematics of CentraleSupélec: Erick Herbin, founder, Pauline Lafitte, director, Ludovic Goudenège, CR CNRS officially assigned to the Federation. The Federation of Mathematics was created to animate and foster intra-labos and inter-labos collaborations in mathematics at CentraleSupélec. For its structuring, its animation, its visibility and its interactions with the other laboratories of the school and Paris-Saclay (notably the laboratory of Fluid Mechanics, EM2C), the team thus benefits fully from the Federation.
As of 30/06/2018, the group also has 4 PhD students: Brice Hannebicque, Adrien Dekkers, Qinmeng Zou and Mengchen Wang.